Stillbrook Riding Stables

Last Thursday night our camera club went to Stillbrook Riding Stables outside of Keene, Ontario to photograph horses. I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not a big fan of horses. I’m never sure if they want to be your friend or eat you. Nonetheless, I thought it would be a fun challenge and something…

An Evening in Ottawa

A couple of weeks back, my wife and I were in Ottawa for a wedding. The people getting married were friends of my wife back when she lived in Labrador, so I didn’t really know them well. We rolled into town on Friday night, and while she went out with her friends, I strolled around…

Classic Car Night

A couple weeks back, our camera club went and shot at a car show just up the road from where I live. I wasn’t overly pleased with how the photos turned out, so I returned the following week with better luck. I thought it would be fun to shoot some old cars using some expired…

Rolleicord 1a Model 2 – First Thoughts

I recently purchased a 1937 Rolleicord 1a Model 2 twin-lens reflex camera from a local photographer who no longer had any use for it. Loving TLR cameras, I knew I couldn’t pass this up. Being almost 80 years old, it’s still in remarkably good shape and seems to function properly (for the most part). The…

Father’s Day

Father’s Day was perfect this year. After a boat load of homemade gifts from my kids, we went down to a friends for an afternoon of BBQ and relaxing on the back deck. It’s always fun when we get together as all the kids (with the exception of 1) are roughly the same age and…

Warsaw Conservation Area

Just over 2 weeks ago, I took the day off work to spend time with my wife. We did something we hardly ever do anymore… We went hiking. We ended up at Warsaw Caves Conservation Area, about 25 minutes east of Peterborough. I lugged along the Pentax 6×7 and a roll of Kodak Tri-X. Below…

A Couple Flower Photos

Starting to build-up quite a backlog of blog posts… A couple weeks ago, while doing some shooting in Del Crary Park in downtown Peterborough, I took these two photos with my Pentax MX and a roll of Ilford FP4 Plus 125. I was playing around with the macro lens (before I sold it). Anyways, I…

Victoria Day Hike in Millbrook

A couple weeks back on Victoria Day, I took the boys for a morning hike to Millbrook Conservation Area and for a stroll down the completely torn up main street. I brought along the Nikon F3 and a roll of Rollei CN 200 film. We slow walked the trails and took time exploring. It got…

Toronto Blue Jays Game

A while back my brother invited me to go to a Toronto Blue Jays game in the executive suites he got through work. Usually we`re stuck up in the 500 level, so it was pretty cool to sit in comfortable seats with an open bar, open buffet and ice cream. Even the legendary Blue Jay, Lloyd…

Algonquin Provincial Park

One of the little bonuses of working where I do, is we get to have work meetings in places such as Algonquin Provincial Park. On the shores of Lake Opeongo is the Harkness Laboratory of Fisheries Research, where a host of buildings and cabins serve as a base of operation for aquatic and terrestrial research…