Photo of the Week: Week 21

So I missed last weeks photo of the week. I usually post on Sundays but I had to leave for Ottawa and just got back today. This is a photo I took last Thursday at Millennium Park in Peterborough. Not sure what kind of flower this is but I thought the colour was cool and…

Tracks Ahead

These rail tracks are part of the Quaker Oats rail line that runs to the plant behind my work. There is a small park in downtown Peterborough wedged against the Otonabee River where these tracks run.

The Movement of Water

Tonight our camera club headed to Millennium Park in downtown Peterborough, Ontario. The park is a small strip of green space wedged between downtown and the Otonabee River. I was immediately drawn towards the water feature in the centre of the park which includes a small man-made pond with a waterfall which I was looking…


Running a blog means dealing with spam. Unsolicited comments are usually picked up by the spam blocker within WordPress and flagged for review. I quickly glance over them before deleting, but there was one I decided to highlight. Obviously someone used a poor online translator because the text makes no sense whatsoever. I copied and…

Another Couple Shots From the Yard

As mentioned in a previous post, I spent a solid hour in the backyard wandering around snapping some photos. Below are two that I’m somewhat happy with. This first one looked decent at first, but when I loaded it on the computer I noticed the grass in the foreground was out of focus. Still getting…

Photo of the Week: Week 20

With Monday off due to Victoria Day, we were given some of the nicest weather of the year so far. We spent all day Saturday just puttering around the house and had some friends drop by on Sunday. We spent the entire day outside enjoying the sun in the backyard. Today, I realized that I…

Say What…? #6

“Daddy, that makes me feel much better”. – Patrick (2012) … and now for some context. This was my 2.5 year old son’s response to me saying that we would watch Attack of the Clones instead of The Phantom Menace, which he finds to be scarier. All he really wants to see is the “laser swords” anyways.…


Tonight was Patricks first time playing an organized sport. He joined the Ennismore Youth Soccer club in the walking to 4 years old category. All I can say is that it was hilarious as expected. Anything that resembled a soccer game was completely lost in all the mayhem. At anytime during the game there was…

Photo of the Week: Week 19

Today is Mothers Day. This photo of my mom was taken back in October 2009, just after Patrick was born. My mom is one of the greatest people in the world and although we sometimes don’t get to see her as much as we’d like due to busy schedules, it doesn’t mean we love her…

Through a Wet Window

The other day when I got home from work it had just rained, but the sun was out. Patrick and I were in the basement when I looked up through the window and noticed the water droplets on the window. I thought it made an interesting shot so I grabbed the camera and snapped away…